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Behavioral Support
Here at the Sumner we work to foster a fun and enjoyable learning environment for all students.   One way we do this is by recognizing students’ positive and good behavior daily and monthly.  

Have you heard your children talking about being “spotted”? The Spotting Good Behavior program recognizes children who are doing something good.  Any adult in the school community can spot a good deed and acknowledges this by sending a note to the office. Each day the name, class and good deed of a student spotted is announced over the PA system.  Students can also recognize adults and other children.

We also have Principal Recognition Awards that are given out monthly.  Teachers nominate children based on 4 areas – Academic Achievement, Academic Perseverance, Most Improved (Academic or Behavior) and Citizenship.  We have up to 5 award recipients per classroom.  The teachers submit award forms at the end of each month.
  • Academic Achievement—Student has shown overall academic excellence in all subject areas, and has a positive attitude towards learning and puts forth the most amount of effort to succeed.
  • Academic Perseverance—Student has a positive attitude towards learning and puts forth a tremendous amount of effort; however he/she might not make the high marks.  The effort and perseverance this child shows is consistent and commendable.
  • Most Improved (Academic or Behavior)—Student may have struggled at one point, academically or behaviorally, but has demonstrated noticeable improvements.  This student is now on the right track.
  • Citizenship—Student exemplifies the Sumner motto “As a member of the Charles Sumner School, I will be kind, respectful and the best that I can be.”  This student has a great attitude towards his/her school and positively contributes to the Sumner community.  This student goes above and beyond in his/her classroom daily.  He/She is considered a Peacemaker.
Students who receive a Principal Recognition Award have their name announced over the PA system, receive a Student Study Kit (folder, pencil, other student supplies and certificate) and a medal.  If you have questions contact Assistant Principal Ms. Campbell.